Read the following guide and you will have a Fancy Directory Listing within just a few minutes. Click the small thumbnail on your left for a screenshot, or continue reading for instructions.
Zerogroundz created this Fancy SSI Directory Listing template. I'm very thankful that he took the time to create this Directory Listing template. It really looks amazing!
I'm interested, how do I install this "Directory Listing" Mod?
Unzip the "" file to any folder on your computer and do the following steps. This will be very easy to follow.
Step #1
Open your Abyss Web Server console and click on the Host you wish to configure. Go to "Directory Listing", and choose "From Template" for Type. Copy the HTML from each of the following files into the correct form fields.
MIME Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
-> Header: header.txt -> Body Line: body.txt -> Footer: footer.txt
Step #2
After you checked over your settings, restart Abyss Web Server. Now you can start using your Directory Listing. Well, I hope you enjoyed this wonderful tutorial. C ya!
The author asks that you leave all Copyright information intact. I did not create this script and I hold no ownership over it. Please abide by the rules!
Note: In the Header field, change YOURSERVERNAME with your server's name or leave blank. You should also change the Copyright text with your own, in the Footer field.