Hi Everyone,
I know it's been over a year since the last news update and the reason is that I may discontinue this website. There were plans to retire the old domain and use AbyssWSHelp.com but I find it frustrating that many of the web developer courses out there only teach the basics and never really teach the proper way to build a website. Ever since this site was created, the layout used tables and not CSS floats to position elements on the page. It's always been a guess on how to construct a website for me. Due to the lack of time or motivation anymore to continue working on this site, I decided that it might be better to discontinue it. For now, I will just take it one day at a time. The domain is set to expire on August 31, 2021. For those interested, the AWS:MRT (Abyss Web Server: Mod Rewrite Translator) source code and many of the scripts that myself and others have created can be downloaded here.
If you need to reach out to me, you can follow me on twitter @josh_hesseman
Take care and have a Happy New Year!
Best regards,
Joshua Hesseman (TRUSTAbyss)