EditVideoBot API Docs

This page will provide basic documentation on using the EditVideoBot API.

The EditVideoBot API is a RESTful API designed for use over the HTTP(S) protocol.

This API is still in its very early stages - any bugs or issues found should be submitted to https://pigeonburger.xyz/contact


Things to Note:

         All POST requests and any responses should be in JSON form.

         All requests will return a 200 HTTP status code if successful, any other status code received indicates request failure and a message value in the response will describe the issue encountered.

         All requests will contain a key called "error", which is set the either True or False, corresponding with the status code.

         If an error is occurred on the server-side while processing a video on the /edit/ endpoint, it will not affect your daily API requests amount.

The Base URL for the API is:




In order to make a valid request to the API, you need to provide an authentication header with your token, that can be found at the Dashboard. This header should be called EVB_AUTH. If this header is not provided, or contains and invalid token, you will be unable to use the API, and will be met with a 401 HTTP status code.

For example:






Example Error Response:





    "message""No EVB_AUTH header given."






The following endpoints are currently available for use on the EditVideoBot API.



Where all media-editing requests are made.

Method: POST


POST Data:

file: The data of the file you want to edit. [bytes]

commands: A string containing standard EditVideoBot commands (e.g. "er=10, tt=test") [str]



error: False [bool]

code: 200 [int]

is_video: True or False (depending on the output media being a video (gif included) or a photo. [bool]

media_url: URL to the edited media. [str]

media_size: Size of the output media (in bytes). [int]

command_str: The string of commands provided in the initial response. [str]


Example Requests:



curl -X POST -H "EVB_AUTH: YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE" -F [email protected] -F commands="tt=hey" https://pigeonburger.xyz/api/v1/edit/





import requests

headers = {



file = open("input.mp4"'rb'# Get the file as raw data

r = requests.post('https://pigeonburger.xyz/api/v1/edit/'headers=headersfiles={"file"file}, data={"commands""tt=hey"})





Example Response:














Statistics about your EditVideoBot API usage (including number of daily requests left)

Method: GET

No extra data/parameters are required.



error: False [bool]

code: 200 [int]

email: A string containing the email associated with your API account. [str]

level: The API level your account is on (higher levels = more requests and bigger files allowed, can be bought here) [str]

remaining_daily_requests: The number of requests to the /edit/ endpoint that your account has remaining for the day. [int]

videos_edited: The total number of videos you have edited. [int]

photos_edited: The total number of photos you have edited. [int]

total_edited: The total number of photos and videos that have been edited. [int]

first_edit: The date and time of your first edit using the API (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS) [str]

latest_edit: The date and time of your most recent edit using the API (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS) [str]

favourite_cmd: The EditVideoBot command that you use the most. [str]


Example Requests:



curl -H "EVB_AUTH: YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE" https://pigeonburger.xyz/api/v1/stats/





import requests

headers = {



r = requests.get("https://pigeonburger.xyz/api/v1/stats/"headers=headers)




Example Response:





"email""[email protected]"






"first_edit""2021-06-01 19:35:54"

"latest_edit""2021-06-01 20:31:27"






Any further questions or clarification should be sent to my contact form https://pigeonburger.xyz/contact